The transformation of JNBS (Jamaica National Building Society) to JN Bank (and the subsequent establishment of the JN Group) in 2017 created the need for the new brand to assert its legacy and reputation within a new market (banking sector). VerbComm was able to collaborate on a number of brand and creative development projects including one that allowed the brand to use its platform for more good.
In 2018, VerbCommunication proposed and helped the Bank introduce the “Power of Pink” initiative/sub-brand – a breast cancer awareness effort that allowed the bank to join the conversation with women in a meaningful, unique and impactful way through creative development. The Agency has since been instrumental to the development of the brand and it connections to its target audience.

Promoting the Power of Pink subrand, JN Bank hosted a Solidarity Day concert & Candle Lighting Ceremony to help raise cancer awareness. “We honoured the lives of our pink heroes and celebrated the lives of our pink warriors. Together we joined in the battle against breast cancer. #PowerOfPink #TBT” – JN Bank
While encouraging the women to get screened, JN Bank was also able to encourage the use of their Power of Pink branded VISA credit card. JN Bank donated $10 to cancer support in Jamaica with every swipe. With VerbCommunication, JN Bank is building society for people and profit.

In 2020, JN Life Insurance Company LTD joined the Power of Pink subrand to promote life and good health with that year’s “It’s About Living” campaign.
Twenty Twenty-One was equally impactful as JN Group was now associated with the Power of Pink movement as 40 women offered free mamograms. As with every October, JN Bank was able to promote it’s Power of Pink brand credit card as a means of giving back to the Jamaican society while increasing it’s profitability.

VerbCommunication partnered to help establish the JN Bank brand essence to aid the brand stewards manage effective communication programmes across the various touch points.